Business Process Outsourcing
Corporates outsource various non core processes for three reasons:

1. Free-up time to focus on Core activities:
Various non core activities or even support processes to your core activity, eat up a lot of organisational time and energy which outherwise could be best utilized in core activities having billable time. Such activities include Lead generation, online data colation, reporting , gathering reports and figures from softwares, keying in data from physical to digital forms.

2. Improve Quality:
Since your non core Activity is the Core Business Activity for the outsourcing agency , the quality and continuity can be better maintained (benefits such as backup resources, process innovations, accountability etc is generally higher)

3. Save on costs:
Outsourcing to countries like India, which has a great human resourse pool, with required talent at much cheaper costs Makes perfect sense to Outsources the processes in India. Anything that you feel is non core to your Business and can be done on a Computer can be outsourced. Even the support process to your core activity can be outsourced.
Processes Generally Outsourced:
Below are a few processes that are generally outsourced:
1. Software development
2. Lead Generation
3. Payable Processing
4. Data Research Process
5. Insurance Process
6. Accounts Reconciliations
7. Banking Process
8. Online Research and data collation process
9. Medical Transcription
10. Software Development and support
11. Employee Reimbursement Claim Processing
12. Digitization of physical records or data
Case Studies: